Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spuds and such...

Moving right along... we constructed the potager, a raised bed amidst a field of clay. And we amended the soil a few times over.

Planting seeds we did -- we're eager to see what takes...

-spring onions
-bell peppers

For some height and added interest, we made a trellis around which will twine sweet peas in hues of pink, blue and purple. And for good measure, we happened upon some marigold plants to stand sentinel, and ward off slugs and any other unwanted garden riff-raff from the bed corners...

Potatoes grow well here, and we found a separate area on the property for a potato patch.

After preparing the spuds, and leaving them to sit for a few days, we were ready to go ...

... and so was El Burro, who was dusted off, and brought out for tilling! Behind the potatoes, we made a few more trellises for sweet peas that will add a nice contrast to the back of the studio.

I predict dishes of patate raclette will be served at Chateau Acorn's kitchen in the future.

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